MatPlotLib and Random Cheat SheetEdited by Michelle Cristina de Sousa Baltazar
Created using the baposter Landscape Poster LaTeX Template created by Brian Amberg This template has been downloaded from:http://www.LaTeXTemplates.comEdited by Michelle Cristina de Sousa Baltazar
Common TeX (and TeX based systems such as LaTeX, KaTeX, MathJax etc.) commands grouped in one place. Quick TeX cheatsheet/crib helpful while writing any scientific text containing math formulas like mathematical or physical publications.
Herramienta para generar hojas de ayuda para Física
As part of our Community Resources for teachers running courses, workshops and events, here we provide an Overleaf-version of the excellent quick guide to LaTeX, originally by Dave Richeson (reproduced with his kind permission).This version is perfect for sharing as a PDF, or as a two-sided printed handout. If you'd like to tweak it to suit your workshop, you can open it as a template to make edits to the source. Please note that the Overleaf logos themselves shouldn't be altered, but you can find alternative versions here if you'd prefer. If you make substantial edits to the template, or find other uses for it, please let us know! We also have a complementary PDF listing the Overleaf keyboard shortcuts, available here.If you're looking for a fuller guide to LaTeX to share with you students, we have a free online course, a learn LaTeX in 30-minutes quick start guide, and many other in-depth tutorials and examples on our learn wiki.License note: the text content / source code of the handout is provided under the CC BY 4.0 license, as is Dave Richeson's original version. If you modify the template, guidance on the use of the Overleaf logos is available here.
Griffith Quantum Mechanics Time Dependent Perturbation theory CheatSheet (UCB 137B final)
This is a cheatsheet made for the final exam of Berkeley Physics 137B. It mainly covers chapters from Variational Method to the end (except for Adiabetic Approximation).
A concise guide for anyone that's met with the terrible fate of having to program in Clean (so mainly for Radboud University students).
Know the LaTeX command you want to use but can't remember how to write it?Here we present a great tips sheet produced by Dave Richeson; it's pre-loaded in Overleaf so you can see how the commands work instantly.Simply click on the button above to open a version in Overleaf for editing (and to quickly copy and paste the commands you need!).For more comments visit this page on Dave's site, or if you'd like to work through a fuller introduction to LaTeX why not check out our free online course?
This is the current set of available keyboard shortcuts for the Overleaf editor.
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HTML Cheat SheetEdited by Michelle Cristina de Sousa Baltazarbaposter Landscape PosterThis template has been downloaded from:
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