Phpstorm Zoom In

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  2. Phpstorm Zoom Invitation
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Phpstorm Zoom Invite

Phpstorm Zoom InPhpstorm Zoom In
PHP CompletionBugWI-45225Expected arguments: completion does't suggest class constants after class qualifier
BugWI-45223Expected arguments: completion does't honour argument class
PHP DebugExceptionWI-45199exception with copy&paste on debug watches window
PHP IntentionsBugWI-45129Not insert variadic type hint by language level
PHP LangFeatureWI-45185Ability to move multiple functions at once
FeatureWI-45001Import reference on paste: ask to reuse existing alias
FeatureWI-45184Ability to move multiple file constants at once
FeatureWI-45181Place cursor on class name when opening file if file contains only one class
BugWI-45175Import reference on paste: don't insert import if import with same name exists
BugWI-45000Import reference on paste: expand references to FQN's in case of conflict
PHP Lib StubsFeatureWI-45155As of PHP 7.3, array_push and array_unshift do NOT require a second argument
BugWI-44624Function 'imagecreatefromwebp' is not recognized as PHP function
BugWI-44414RedisCluster::scan stub has wrong method signature
BugWI-44450Correct types for PHP Stubs
PHP RefactoringUsabilityWI-45226Move: Provide constant/function name in case it's a single element
PS SpecificBugWI-45180PHP tags are stripped on paste
Plugin: Deployment _ FTP..BugWI-44743Can't upload to Ipv6 only host
TaskWI-45150Investigate duplicate condition in com.jetbrains.plugins.webDeployment.actions.ToggleRemoteExclusionAction#setSelected
Plugin: PhingFeatureWI-41335Auto-detect Phing with composer
No subsystemFeatureIDEA-111333Provide Sublime Text keymap
BugIDEA-206403unused declaration inspection: constructor used in code outside analysis scope should be marked as used
BugIDEA-206149Fix com.intellij.ui.stripe.Updater#findPreviousIndex
BugIDEA-2061325 modules of the IntelliJ Community are missing in the master branch source tree
BugIDEA-206285Suggestions bubble can make it impossible to mouse click at the beginning of line
BugIDEA-206341[Dump Threads in Run tool window] add java11 support
TaskIDEA-206446Explicitly be aware that IBM JDK doesn't support `report-cdata-event`
ExceptionIDEA-206482RuntimeException: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
Code Analysis. InspectionBugIDEA-183685Incorrect parameter type - ParamConverterProvider
Code Formatting and Code StyleBugIDEA-189934Replace lambda with method references messes up indentation
Code NavigationBugIDEA-164838Open three new same windows when do 'Open In New Editor Window'
BugIDEA-178367Weird 'choose implementation' popup
BugIDEA-206342Hierarchy scope has disappeared
DebuggerFeatureIDEA-124595Feature to 'Step Out' of the current block when debugging
BugIDEA-206175Watch variables: blue screen lag
BugIDEA-206160Instrumentation in java.lang.Thread does not work when running as Debug mode in Intellij Idea
Diff_MergeFeatureIDEA-197789Allow adding file contents to the Blank DIff Window
CosmeticsIDEA-206495Partial commits: Excess 'Uncheck all' checkbox on Diff dialog
Editor. Editing TextBugIDEA-195293Strange behavior when join lines with 'builder.append('...')'
BugIDEA-196178Join Lines on selected text also joins not selected text
UsabilityIDEA-89608Should be able to set editor view options like soft wraps for certain file types
HTMLCosmeticsIDEA-201570Questionable folding and preview of ' ' in HTML (Velocity)
IDE ConfigurationBugIDEA-206460Cannot not start IDE after 2018.3.4 update
BugIDEA-206472Reformat Code does not work for JSON
Plugin DevelopmentBugIDEA-206150Something wrong in ExtensionOrderConverter#isBeforeOrAfterKeyword(java.lang.String, boolean)
Plugin ManagementFeatureIDEA-206274If there there are two dependencies on the same plugin in plugin.xml and one of them is optional the other is treated as optional as well
Quick DocumentationBugIDEA-205497QuickDoc popup appears on another monitor if invoked from 'Brief Info' popup
BugIDEA-205190Misplaced Mouse Cursor
RefactoringUsabilityIDEA-206481Improve new file 'Register New File Type Association'
CosmeticsIDEA-206172Refactor of directory name that begins with a dot to another name that begins with a dot PREVIEW-s a new name with TWO dots.
Run | Debug configurationUsabilityIDEA-206392Do not allow empty parameters in Run configuration > Spring Boot > Application
UMLBugIDEA-201919Fonts in UML diagrams are no longer vectorial but rasterized (to poor resolution)
BugIDEA-206436Memory hogging in Diagrams + Structure tool window + Zoom In/Out
User InterfaceBugIDEA-205631The window with the addition of the note does not stretch vertically
BugIDEA-204534KDE global menu
BugIDEA-206344Recent Locations popup: after exiting presentation mode, popup may keep the enlarged font for snippets
UsabilityIDEA-195255Dialog Non-Project Files Protection: make OK primary button
CosmeticsIDEA-206478Partial commits: 'Uncheck All' checkbox misaligned with dependent checkboxes
TaskIDEA-205679Rework validation in tables
User Interface. ControlsBugIDEA-204972Cannot assign context-dependent shortcut key if that shortcut is left alone for a different context
ExceptionIDEA-198778Exception on a click to the hidden toolwindow toolbar item
User Interface. Look and FeelBugIDEA-206617Cannot open Settings when a theme is applied
User Interface. NavigationBugIDEA-206340Recent Locations popup: after checkbox is checked by mouse popup loses keyboard focus
ExceptionIDEA-206238IAE at com.intellij.util.containers.ContainerUtil.$$$reportNull$$$0
User Interface. Project ViewBugIDEA-206431[Autoscroll from source] in Unpinned/Undock modes doesn't work when using mouse
Version ControlBugIDEA-203012Files which were not added under VCS at once, do not appear at the list of files proposed ti add to VCS on project reload
BugIDEA-206072IDEA shows half of project with an olive color
Version Control. GitBugIDEA-76760When a file is added to git and immediately deleted, IDEA update fails with no visible reason
Version Control. MercurialTaskIDEA-205988Please get rid of dependency on javax.activation
Version Control. SubversionBugIDEA-206423Subversion: impossible to merge file conflict using idea
Version Control. TFSBugIDEA-206226Investigate duplicate condition in org.jetbrains.tfsIntegration.tests.ChangeHelper#getModificationChange
BugIDEA-206233TFS checkin not possible 'Validation must be performed before checking in'
DB ConnectivityUsabilityDBE-7354NullPointerException when adding project data source when host and port fields are empty and the connection is tested
DB DiagramBugDBE-5947Font rendering in Datagrip 2017.3.5 class diagram is broken.
DB DiffBugDBE-7688Comparison between two database tables which using trigger.
DB RefactoringBugDBE-4993Missing schema qualifier with Postgres schema
SQL Format and StyleBugDBE-7738Can't disable SQL formatting
BugDBE-7399Disable formatting setting doesn't disable also auto-formatting on type (but must do)
BugDBE-7581Disabling SQL formatting in settings does not work
SQL GeneralBugDBE-7723Parsing of Oracle SQL Script Incorrect within Database Console
No subsystemBugWEB-32905Can't analyse webpack.config.js: coding assistance will ignore module resolution rules in this file.
BugWEB-37006Via quick-fix for failed tests possible to run several identical debug session, put several breakpoints on the same place
CSSFeatureWEB-28203CSS Modules: import class with hyphen as camelCase
FeatureWEB-21378color preview for css custom properties
BugWEB-37014Typo in allowed property values for css overflow property
DartBugWEB-36954Dart plugin incorrectly prevents editing excluded files
DebuggerBugWEB-37018ReferenceError when trying to evaluate expression
UsabilityWEB-36448Better presentation for stack trace in debugger console
JavaScriptFeatureWEB-37007Allow initialising all fields of a class
FeatureWEB-36339Intention to convert properties in constructor to class fields
BugWEB-36598Types from 'prop-types' are not resolved
BugWEB-34225CommonJS: exported object properties not resolved when assigning `Object.freeze(obj)` to `module.exports`
UsabilityWEB-36422Do not show index.d.ts file name for items in completion popup
JavaScript. FrameworksFeatureWEB-35683Angular: disable Angular language services
BugWEB-36089ng-template is listed twitce in the completion list
BugWEB-37054Angular - take NgModule structure into account when resolving pipes, directives and components
BugWEB-37056Angular - context aware code completion for pipes
BugWEB-37058Angular - support standard attribute to property mappings
BugWEB-36295Angular templates: improve completion suggestions after typing '*'
JavaScript. InspectionsBugWEB-37025'Condition is always true' inspection for THE standard 'is this an object' test
CosmeticsWEB-37011Inspections: JS: clean up descriptions
JavaScript. RefactoringBugWEB-36799'Extract function' should work when selection contains local functions
BugWEB-34947'Extract method' refactoring may create method, which doesn't return necessary variables if they are created using object destructuring
BugWEB-37081Use 'const' for the introduced destructuring by default
BugWEB-36847Extract method may produce incorrect code when nested function is used in extracted method
BugWEB-37064Don't show 'Convert parameters to object' for callback function
Node.jsBugWEB-36987Highlight __filename & __dirname as local
SASSBugWEB-36991Sort CSS properties (aka Rearrange) doesn't properly sort nested properties in SCSS
TypeScriptFeatureWEB-37051Support TypeScript 3.4 readonly array/tuple types
FeatureWEB-37122An extra intention action to convert parameters to object + extract interface
BugWEB-9526Typescript: Extract method should work for selected block inside switch()
BugWEB-37028TypeScript: if 'lib' array in the tsconfig.json is empty do not duplicate the added library
Unit TestsBugWEB-36974Improve @angular/cli stack trace parsing (impossible to get some unit test features in @angular/cli project)
BugWEB-37031Angular with Jest: support running tests for non-default Angular project
BugWEB-37021jest-intellij-reporter is failing with TypeError: jasmine.Spec.isPendingSpecException is not a function on Jest version 24.0.0
BugWEB-37048WebStorm/IntelliJ considers non Angular project as Angular one while running Jest test
BugWEB-37046Support jest todo feature (added in jest 24)

NetBeans is a very popular PHP IDE among developers. Other popular IDEs include Komodo IDE, Zend Studio, Cloud 9 IDE, and PHPStorm. These four are commercial PHP IDEs. For PHP editors, Komodo Edit offers really good features and also supports multiple languages.

Phpstorm Zoom In

Phpstorm Zoom Invitation

  • Q: How to zoom in PhpStorm on Windows? A: Under IDE Settings Editor, enable the “Change font size (Zoom) with Ctrl+Mouse wheel”. Note that on Mac you can make a.
  • Command + mouse wheel zoom stops working intermittently on macOS: Bug: IDEA-155785: Lots of IllegalStateException: cannot open system clipboard in the log: Bug: IDEA-167825: Active project window is hidden under already opened projects: Bug: IDEA-145974: Incorrect search by name popup: Bug: IDEA-161294: Find Usages: 'Read Access' icon doesn't.
  • PhpStorm is designed for developers who use PHP or PHP-based solutions to develop web applications or CLI scripts. It is suitable for backend, frontend, and full-stack work. PhpStorm Pricing Overview. PhpStorm pricing starts at $8.90 as a flat rate, per month.

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