Hazel eyes are due to a combination of Rayleigh scattering and a moderate amount of melanin in the iris' anterior border layer. Hazel eyes often appear to shift in color from a brown to a green. Although hazel mostly consists of brown and green, the dominant color in the eye can either be brown/gold or green. This video shows the uses of external API to be able to integrate a 360° video into a mapping system. More information: http://www.kolor.com/360-video/kolor. Human skin color ranges from the darkest brown to the lightest hues. Differences in skin color among individuals is caused by variation in pigmentation, which is the result of genetics (inherited from one's biological parents), the exposure to the sun, or both. Pair of black and white eyes, Eye Black and white, Cartoon Eyes s, blue, white, face png 600x473px 35.16KB.
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Main changes
Better performances on Intel GPU for Windows
Video decoding performances have been improved on Intel GPU for Windows when using VLC backend. The optimization is automatically activated when player is running on Intel GPU. For example, on Intel NUC with Intel Core i7-6770HQ and integrated GPU Intel Iris Pro Graphics 580, GoPro VR Player 2.1 was not able to decode 4K@60fps smoothly, GPU global usage was about 20%. Now with GoPro VR Player 2.2, 4K@60fps runs smoothly and GPU usage is about 10% !
Kolor Eyes 360 Player
Video metadata and automatic choices
Some metadata can be read from video. Here are the fields read by the player :
Input Projection

Writing Tool
Initial yaw, pitch, roll
Frame size
Video framerate
The values in these fields are displayed in the software log only if the player finds them.
In the settings, you can set 'Auto' mode for input projection and input stereoscopy to automatically apply values found in metadata.

Be sure to use the last version of Autopano Video to have these metadata encoded in your video.
Kolor Eyes Download
VLC custom mode
Kolor Eyes 360
The custom mode allows to use VLC backend with your own parameters. For instance you can read YUV-420/422 8 and 10 bit. To allow this you will have to run the player in 'VLC custom' mode and set the parameters. See documentation for more details.
Color conversion
With VLC backend, player applies a better color conversion if the video has been encoded by Autopano Video.
Also with VLC backend, a new setting allows to disable our shader color conversion. It can be useful if you encounter color issues when playing video but be aware that it will be less efficient in terms of performance. See documentation for more details.
You will find a new category called 'Audio' in the Settings. For now it only contains a setting to set an audio delay (for VLC backend only).
You can set yaw, pitch, roll and fov values directly in help box (keyboard shorcut 'H').
Fixes since 2.2.0 beta :
- [ALPS-196] - Binding loop trace when opening file popup
- [ALPS-222] - Up/Down keyboard arrow sometimes don't shift pitch
- [ALPS-229] - Flickering between videos (playlist) (Win10)
- [ALPS-235] - Set FOV in degree when radian is selected (Help box)
- [ALPS-236] - Hard to click on a button
- [ALPS-237] - Set FOV in radian when radian is selected (Help box)
- [ALPS-238] - Drag and drop a videos on any screen (settings, about) close the current screen and play the video
- [ALPS-239] - No error message when a file is missing in KEPL
- [ALPS-92] - Set camera degrees setting for the keyboard
- [ALPS-192] - Smooth/Inertia camera moves
Kolor Eyes For Mac
Fixes since 2.1.2 :
Kolor Eyes Mac
- [GPVP-85] - First screen text is very small on high DPI
- [GPVP-136] - Fix graphics bug with png files containing alpha
- [GPVP-105] - Don't show main view when loading next video
- [GPVP-122] - Font is not correct in settings
- [GPVP-78] - Hide keyboard shortcuts on Help screen
- [GPVP-116] - VLC : issue with color conversion
- [GPVP-194] - App freeze at video end with backend AVF and DirectShow
- [GPVP-96] - Update OpenVR SDK to 1.0.5
- [GPVP-77] - Uncompressed files support - YUV-420/422 8 and 10 bit
- [GPVP-31] - Improve metadata reading on video
- [GPVP-118] - Add auto input type in settings
- [GPVP-119] - Add auto input stereo type in settings
- [GPVP-79] - Navigate to a viewport (in terms of Yaw, Pitch and FOV)
- [GPVP-109] - Set audio delay in VLC backend
- [GPVP-134] - Add more metadata to software log